Tile Collage

Cnr Garsfontein and Lois Menlyn Rd
Menlyn Motor City, Pretoria
+27 (012) 111 0055

Studio 8 Interiors

262 Queen Welhelmine Ave,
Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria
+27 (012) 346 4761

I-Tile Montana

Cnr Calliandra & Taaifontein Road, Commerical Park,
Montana, Pretoria
+27 (012) 548 7595

Design Studio by Union Tiles

Stocks Centre, No. 5 Graham Road
Shere, Pretoria East
+27 (012) 809 0971

Tile Africa Montana

Cnr. Sefako Makgatho & Swanepoel Drive,
Montana, Pretoria
+27 (012) 548 7048

Tile Africa Garsfontein

Cnr Solomon Mahlangu (Hans Strijdom) &
Gilda Road, Garsfontein, Pretoria
+27 (012) 998 4408

Tile Collage

Cnr Garsfontein and Lois Menlyn Rd
Menlyn Motor City
+27 (012) 111 0055

iTile Montana

Studio 8 Interiors

Tile Africa Garsfontein

Tile Africa Montana

Design Studio by Union Tiles

Stocks Centre, No. 5 Graham Road
Shere, Pretoria East
+27 (012) 809 0971

Create your Space

Kwela® was inspired by the desire to create products of timeless beauty. Individually hand crafted and creating uniqueness to be experienced by people who cherish the beauty of their living space.

© KwelaTileDesign